Engineering Insurance
Engineering Insurance
- Machinery Breakdown Risk
- Erection All Risk (EAR)
- Contractors’ All Risk (CAR)
- Contractors’ Plant & Machinery (CPM)
- Electronics Equipments’ Insurance (EEI)
- Boiler Insurance
Machinery Breakdown Risk Insurance
Machinery Breakdown insurance is an “accident” insurance for machinery, and thus covers sudden and unforeseen physical damage that limits the operability of the insured item and therefore necessitates its repair or replacement. The Insured items includes - All types of exchangeable tools, - Sieves, engraved cylinders, moulds, dies, ropes, chains, belts, - Glass, ceramics, rubber tires, - Operating media of any kind, such as fuels, gases, coolants, catalysts, lubricants (oil in transformers), and - circuit-breakers are included, however, since it is not only. |

Erection All Risk (EAR) Insurance
EAR gives both Material Damage & Third-Party Liability Covers. 1 Material Damage a. any unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage to property, b. cost of clearance of debris, c. Losses of or damages occurred to property located on or adjacent to the site and belonging to or held in care, custody or control of the principal(s) or the Contractor(s). 2 Third Party Liability It covers all legal liability to pay as damages consequent upon a. accidental bodily injury to or illness of third parties (whether fatal or not), b. accidental loss of or damage to property belonging to third parties, occurring in direct connection with the erection, construction or testing of the items insured. |

Contractors’ All Risk Insurance
It provides an 'all-risks’ cover / every hazard is covered against loss or damage occurring to the property insured on the building site. The most important causes of losses identifiable under CAR insurance are: - - Fire, lightning, explosion, extinguishing water or another firefighting measurer, - Theft, burglary, - Flood, inundation, rain, snow, avalanche, tsunami, Windstorm of any kind, - Earthquake, subsidence, landslide, rockslide, - Crashing aircraft, - Bad workmanship, lack of skill, negligence, malicious acts or human error. It also covers loss of or damage to building material, construction machinery and construction plant and equipment occurring during on-site transport, intermediate storage, or during assembly or disassembly. |

Contractors’ Plant & Machinery (Cpm) Insurance
It covers the Insured against any unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage from any cause in a manner necessitating |

Electronics Equipments’ Insurance (Eei) Insurance
It is essentially an "Accident Insurance" on "All Risk" basis for electronic equipment. It thus covers losses which arise suddenly enforceable and materially affect the subject matter insured, necessitating repair or replacement.

Boiler Insurance
It covers unforeseeable & sudden physical loss of or damage to the insured items; necessitating their repair of replacement. Loss or damage covered under the policy is mainly due to one of the following causes:-